By Wayne Kelly
Have you thought about using radio to spread your message? Did you know you could? Just follow these simple – The Radio Rules.
Rule 1 Water Cooler Talk
Radio shows dont want to make you filthy stinking rich unless they get something out of the deal. They want a great interview that generates water-cooler talk all over the city. The most important phrase to a radio host is Did you hear the guest Wayne Kelly had on his radio show today? This kind of PR is priceless. If you can help a radio show achieve it, you will be booked.
You have heard radio and TV promote books, gadgets, TV shows or, people with wild achievementsbut how can YOU get on? You may have a new Internet site or maybe you are a life coach. If you can entertain while educating, you can get on the radio. This leads us to
Rule 2 Solve a Problem
If you dont have a specific topic that can get you on radio, start with this question. How can you solve a problem for the masses? Dont look too far for this answer as it is right under your nose. What is the most common problem or question you hear from your clients that you are great at helping? Chances are thats your topic. But make sure this topic has mass appeal. The more people it affects, the better your odds are of getting on the radio to solve it.
Rule 3 Be Passionate
Now that you have the topic, the next and most important challenge is delivering your message with great enthusiasm. The Crocodile Hunter was the master at this. He makes you watch him because of his enthusiasm. Jim Cramer from CNBCs Mad Money is brilliant in his delivery of stock information. Hes brought the passion of sports to the stock market and you cant help but remember him. When Dr. Phil came on the Oprah show for the first time, he stood out because he seemed to not care what people thought. He just told them the truth. So be true to your message and personality and deliver it with passion and enthusiasm!
Rule 4 Act Immediately
When do you contact the radio station? Keep your ears open and if you hear a topic that falls under your specialty umbrellamake the call and offer your services.
An example:
The other day on my radio show, I talked about a recent survey that said women are now doing 50% of marriage proposals. I cant help but wonderare they going through all the pressure that us men have to go through? How about the one knee thing?
If your business has anything to do with men, women or relationships, you could have used this as a golden opportunity to grab some radio time. You could have called the radio station and said, Im a therapist and I will do a mini survey locally and report the results.
Then you hit the streets and ask the questions. You could survey your clients for 1 week or anyone else with a heartbeat.
As a radio host I would have loved someone calling the radio station and offering to do this for me. It would have also put a local twist on a national topic and would have put your name out to 80,000 people and put you on my radio show website.
Opportunities for PR are everywhere. You just need to learn how to act on them.
So listen and call whenever you thinkHey I could talk about that! What do you have to lose? If they say yes100,000 people may hear about you. If they say noyoull survive.
Happy Radio!
Wayne Kelly
About the Author: Wayne Kelly, The Radio Guy, is an award winning Morning Radio Host and founder of On-Air Publicity – Teaching Authors, Speakers and Coaches how to get booked and be a HOT Radio Guest in 30 Days or Less!
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