Maximizing Empty Office Space and Retail Space
Rebecca Beckett
These days it is difficult to find a business park that is filled. Even most offices have some empty office space. Retailers are closing their doors and leaving a lot of empty retail space. Those large buildings you see left behind when a company closes what happens to them? When corporate real estate companies build up the business park only to leave it empty, what can be done to utilize the space? Can these spaces be used in any way?
You can bet that office landlords and developers are working on ways that they can still make money even when their office spaces are not being leased out, especially in high-traffic areas. Well, the answer is clear those big empty windows can be filled with ads. What better way to take advantage of those high traffic areas then by using advertising to reach out.
Most areas of advertising are suffering as a result of the economy; however store front windows seem to be staying consistent. Billboards are not as costly and they are reaching a high volume of people. By offering these windows for sale as an advertising billboard the landlord will be able to continue to pay its bills while offering a unique offering to people.
While it wont cover the same costs as a retailer would or a company leasing the building, advertising can help pay the bills and they are a great way for companies to get creative too. In the past, most companies thought of advertising as just a cheap way to reach people. Cheap as in looked down upon. However, now when they think about advertising they are looking for ways to save money. Cheap as in frugal. The mindset of advertisers has really changed with the changing economic climate.
As we all struggle to make our way in a difficult economy it becomes apparent that we all need to get creative; companies are no exception. By finding ways that they can use what they have they are going to be able to successfully weather the storm. Retailers and corporate real estate owners are going to find that if they hope to succeed at all they are going to need to consider alternatives. While they can lower the rates and offer more incentives to companies, at some point, even that wont be enough.
Enticing people to buy or lease office space is going to be difficult when most companies are still fighting fear and are doing everything they can to cut costs. However, by offering them a lower cost alternative to advertising they might be doing, a solution can be reached for everyone.
Ah, we all love pinching pennies and watching closely what we are spending and where we are spending it. However, there are some things that are necessary and for companies the necessity of getting the word out is always going to be there. However, the choices they have are going to change. By being given the option of window space advertising, the way companies look at advertising may really change. As more and more companies go online and begin to utilize more cost-effective ways of advertising, this type of advertising can really reach people. Drivers beware soon you may be driving by those empty retail and office spaces and see much more than an empty window.
About the Author: Rebecca Beckett is a freelance writer for Innuity. If you would like more information about
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