Submitted by: Roy J Walker
Inducing collection as a hobby starting from their child hood would give your child a sense of belonging and the desire for possession. Both of theses feelings would in turn help your kid to be successful as he would have a desire for things in life. The girls are happier with their dolls and being with their mothers. It s the father s responsibility to induce the habit of collecting something or the other into their boys.
For inducing the habit of collecting something the fathers need to spend a lot of time with their boys and at the same time need to have a lot of patience as well. When it comes to boys the best thing to collect is toys. They are not only their favorites but have the required essentials for the process of growing up as well. They are not only entertaining but educational at the same time, also physical development is promoted. In case you looking forward to use toy collection as a habit or hobby for your boy it s quite a nice option. But there are only few kids who have this as a hobby or habit. For the rest who show no interest the hobby needs to be induced.
As said to win a race, once must first learn to take small steps first. You don t have to hop on the toy collecting hobby at the fist go. Understand your child and have patience as the process of inducing collecting as a habit is not a child s play. Talking of collection as a habit understand it s easy to collect things that are available abundantly. The habit of collection would only be enjoyable if it gives a sense of completion to your kid.
To start have a very basic thing that you should ask your kid to collect. For example, once could start from round shaped pebbles. To make it even more interesting you could have a little competition for him. The kid could be told that both of you would be collecting a certain type of people and by the end of the week that who so ever would have more would be a winner. This could be made exciting by a winning price.
This would ensure that your kid would not only look forward to collect such pebbles but would want to have a huge collection. He has a target to achieve as by doing so his sense of completion would be the award or the prize that he gets form you. By talking about it and asking for the updates would keep the kid charged up for the competition through out the week. Ensure that you lose and your kid gets a prize. This would encourage him to look forward for such collecting events.
Slowly give up the competition and throw up challenges like let s see if you could collect 100 coke bottle tops before Saturday . You would see by Saturday he would not only have those 100 bottle tops but without you asking he would approach you to show his collection.
As guys would love toys – expose them to toy stores and places where they could find unique toys to add to their collect. By the passage of time you would notice that they would have take collecting toy as their hobby, making you spend when they are young & spending tons when they grow older.
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