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Botox Parties – More Than Just Harmless Fun?
Wendy Owen
Botox, possibly the fastest way to zap wrinkles without having surgery. It’s madly popular and people now even have botox parties in which the botox, and alcohol, flows freely! Even the greediest plastic surgeon will warn you about Botox parties.
Usually held in a beauty salon, spa, or even at someone’s home, Botox parties are hosted by people who may or may not even be qualified to administer Botox injections. Physicians list the following reasons for you to run the other way if someone invites you to one of these:
The host usually doesn’t have any medical equipment on hand to treat you in case you have a severe, potentially fatal allergic reaction to Botox, which can happen at any time, even if you have had Botox before with no reaction.
Due to the lack of privacy, “patients” may not feel comfortable disclosing important details of their medical history to the Botox provider, which increases the risk of side effects and the provider’s inability to act quickly if a problem occurs.
Alcohol is often consumed at Botox parties. Intoxication, along with peer pressure from other attendees, may alter your judgment and your awareness of your surroundings. You may not even know if you’re in trouble after the shot until it’s too late.
Let’s ignore the fact that this concept completely violates the principles of basic common sense. Botox shots weaken facial muscles and paralyses them. Have you ever seen a celebrity who suddenly looks unhappy or “frozen?” Welcome to the wacky world of Botox!
You can use Botox injections to temporarily remove smile and laugh lines, crow’s feet and furrows around your eyebrows, but once you have frozen the muscles in those parts of your face, you may also find yourself unable to smile, frown, cry, or laugh naturally.
While it’s true that many physicians use Botox effectively, others are simply capitalizing on the immense commercial demand for the product.
Botox “parties” are clear evidence of that. Some of the people administering the shots are not well trained or highly experienced.
Some Botox users complain that if you’re unhappy with the results, their doctors point out that the effect will wear off in a few months, anyway – at which time, you’ll have to get another shot in your face or risk suddenly looking wrinkled almost overnight!
Although many Botox patients don’t experience any severe reactions or disappointments, don’t forget that Botox is a very powerful poison. The fact that it can paralyse your facial muscles, even in very small doses, is proof of that. Everyone reacts to the beginning and end of their Botox “treatment” differently.
Botox is not cheap, either. Each session costs between $300 and $500, and results only last for about four months. If you succumb to vanity and get a Botox shot, expect to have some mild to moderate bruising and tenderness afterward.
If you are invited to a botox party, decide beforehand what you want to do. If you decide botox is for you, it may be better to have it administered by a qualified surgeon in a medical clinic. Keep the parties and alcohol for having fun!
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We have lots of free information and 5 free books if you join our list. Wendy Owen is a health researcher and writer.
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