By Sam Miller
Amongst the many business and management tools in the corporate world right now, one of the most effective ones would certainly be the balanced scorecard. This is because the tool exists to measure a company’s present status against the goals and objectives that the company had planned to achieve in the first place. What are these goals and objectives? These are both the long-term and the short-term goals that the company had aimed to achieve during the first few years of its existence. These might even be the goals and objectives that the company had set up during its very foundation. There are many aspects that come with the balanced scorecard, and explaining these can be a bit difficult. This is especially true when you are explaining the tool to people who do not really recognize it that much. Thus, it would be so much better to prepare a balanced scorecard PPT presentation.
A PowerPoint presentation can be used to discuss the different aspects of the balanced scorecard. You have to bear in mind that not all of the members of your audience are familiar with the balanced scorecard. The terms that you use, even if these are simple to your own ears, these just might not be easy to grasp for the common person. But when you present the aspects in a PowerPoint presentation, the technicalities just might be made easier to understand. Moreover, the PowerPoint application actually allows your audience to be interactive during the whole presentation. You can insert animated images, to make the presentation all the more interesting. You are discussing a business concept, after all, and any business concept might become a bit tedious or boring to discuss. Capturing and maintaining the interest of your audience is indeed a must here.
So, what should your PPT presentation contain? For one thing, it should include the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard, as well as its measures, its targets, and its initiatives. You should also present the inherent roles and responsibilities of every member of the company or organization, from the higher management, all the way to the frontline employees who face customers every single workday. Moreover, you should include the benefits of using the balanced scorecard as a tool towards a more efficient management system.
These concepts should also be included and thoroughly discussed: Activity Based Costing, Forecasting, Benchmarking, Economic Value Added, Market Research, Six Sigma, Re-Engineering, Statistical Process Control, Total Quality Management or TQM, Learning Organization, Empowerment, and Self-Directed Work Teams. All of these aspects are very important, especially when you start developing your balanced scorecard.
And if that is not all, you should also discuss the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard very thoroughly, which are Customer Perspective, Regulatory/Financial Perspective, Internal Perspective, and Learning and Growth. The aspects categorized under these perspectives should also be discussed.
Lastly, you should also explain how the measurements should be panned out. For instance, discuss how the measurements should be able to translate the expectations of customers into reachable goals. Discuss how measurements should evaluate the processes that take place, as well as their quality.
With a balanced scorecard PPT presentation as detailed and thorough as this, you will surely have no problem discussing every nook and cranny of this management tool.
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