5 Major Benefits of Article Marketing
TJ PhilpottAdvertising on the internet does not have to be frustrating or expensive if you consider the cost and benefits of article marketing. Attracting targeted traffic to your website thru a sea of competitive ads can be a very daunting task. Let’s look at 5 ways publishing articles can enhance both your business and your reputation.1) Personalizes you to the massesReaders of your articles have the chance to become more familiar with you as a person thru the tone, attitude, and passion projected by your writings. This gives the reader a better sense of what your interest may be or your feelings toward certain subject matter. In this way they’re better able to connect with you as opposed to reading a stoic and static ad. 2) Broader exposure over the internet Submitting your articles to highly ranked article directories allows you to ‘piggyback’ off their high page ranking provided of course your article is accepted and published by them. Now your article can be viewed by anybody searching the keywords your article has been optimized for.3) No cost AdvertisingWriting and submitting your own articles will cost you nothing except the time invested. Additionally, if your article proves popular enough with the directories it can be kept in circulation by them for an indefinite period of time extending your ability to promote your site. 4) Credibility FactorAs stated earlier your article, properly optimized for certain keywords, will be offered up by the search engines to anyone looking for information related to your article content. With that in mind you are now considered a source of information to those readers therefore it stands to reason the better the content the more credible you become in their eyes. This credibility is a valuable asset to have in building your reputation online and should not be taken lightly. Your words, opinions, and marketing efforts will have a greater influence as a result. 5) Increase your website page rankAs mentioned earlier when we submit our article to directories you’ll be able to ‘piggyback’ off their page rankings. Articles directories usually have strong page rankings due to the continuous flow of traffic they get from people searching their sites for information contain in articles like yours. Now when you consider that you’ve placed a link back to your site within the resource box of your article it’s inevitable you’ll have readers clicking on your link. With these link backs coming from highly ranked sites such as these directories the search engines will in turn increase your sites ranking. Now that you’ve come to realize some of the benefits of article marketing, wouldn’t it be silly to not incorporate this strategy in your marketing plan? With just a little bit of work and no out of pocket expenses you can generate a steady stream of targeted traffic to your site for some time to come.
TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
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